Remember when David Hasselhoff was beloved in Germany AND the USA ? Remember when Kit was his best friend Not a Double Double and a quart of Jack Daniels? Remember when Gary Coleman was askin Willis what he was talkin about and NOT appearing on Divorce Court with a woman he met on the set of Church Ball ( I've seen it and the best thing about that movie is my favorite guy Fred Willard-he's hilarious as always).Oh, and they were arguing about if they did or did'nt consumate their marriage( I wasnt aware that a grey area existed where that is concerned) and about how he throws temper tantrums.
Lets harken back to a simpler time when Arnold just needed a hug from Mrs. Garret and The Hoff had a bright musical future not just shirts that say "Dont Hassel The Hoff"(Genius by the way) . This has been a cautionary post about the dangers of childhood stardom and slow motion running . Consider yourself warned.